Wellness Program ViaZen Inflammation

  • Dietary Recommendations
  • Lifestyle hygiene
  • ViaZen Health Tips
Dietary Recommendations

Dietary Recommendations

Eating a clean and healthy diet is essential to address any kind of inflammatory condition and help temper associated symptoms.


Make sure to have your meals in a calm and stress-free environment. This is essential since digestion and digestive functions are aversely affected by stress. In turn, a better digestion will ensure that you are fully absorbing and assimilating all of the nutrients in your food to help support tissue regeneration.

Include fruits and vegetables with ALL your meals and snacks. Choose alkalinizing fruits and vegetables that help downregulate the inflammatory process:

  • Avocado
  • Basil
  • Blueberries
  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Cucumber
  • Kale
  • Leek
  • Lettuce (curly, romaine, boston, etc.)
  • Mango
  • Onion
  • Parsley
  • Pear
  • Peppers
  • Pumpkin & squash
  • Red delicious apples
  • Sprouts (alfalfa, snow peas, sunflower, etc.)
  • Yellow peas
  • Zuchini

Be sure to include a source of protein at all your meals to ensure effective healing of inflamed tissue. Choose easy-to-digest proteins:

  • Fish
  • Poultry
  • Eggs
  • Dairy products made from goat and/or sheep’s milk (yogurt, kefir, labneh, low fat
  • cheeses (chemical-free)
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Legumes (chickpeas)

Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids have potent anti-inflammatory properties. In order to fully benefits from the therapeutic properties that long chain omega-3 fatty acids offer we recommend that each week, you include three meals featuring fatty fish such as: salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines or sea trout.


Avoid saturated and hydrogenated fats, which are powerful inflammation precursors: high-fat meat: beef, lamb, bacon, lard, cold cuts, butter, cream, ice cream, sour cream, high fat cheeses, chocolate and cocoa butter, commercial peanut butter, deep fried foods,

refined oils, margarine, shortening, and commercially made muffins.

  • Avoid highly allergenic foods which predispose to inflammation: wheat, oats, soy, peanuts, cow’s milk products and strawberries.
  • Avoid acid-forming foods that can trigger inflammation:
    • Citrus: oranges, grapefruits, clementines, lemons
    • Alcohol
    • Asparagus
    • Wheat and wheat-based products
    • Soda
    • Cocoa
    • Coffee
    • Cranberries
    • Hot spices
    • Strawberries
    • Milk
    • Olives
    • Hot peppers
    • Refined sugar and all products containing added sugar
    • Black tea
    • Tomatoes and tomato-based products (ex. ketchup, salsa)
    • Red meat
Lifestyle hygiene

Maintain a healthy weight. Excess body mass increases the load on your joints and can aggravate inflammatory joint conditions.

Stay hydrated by drinking 1.5 liters of water everyday day, between meals. Water facilitates the transport of nutrients and helps the body eliminate metabolic wastes.

Integrate daily physical activity into your routine. Moving helps to avoid ankylosis. Muscles and other tissues that ensure the integrity of the joint weaken when they are not moved regularly – which results in the joint gradually losing its mobility and flexibility. Focus on range of motion (ROM) exercises that help maintain or restore normal joint movement and reduce stiffness. In addition, choose low-impact aerobic exercises such as swimming, walking, water aerobics and ergonomic cycling that don’t add additional stress on the joints. Also, keep in mind that it’s important to warm-up prior to exercising, as well as to cool down at the end of every session. As a bonus, daily exercise will improve your overall sense of well-being and help you maintain a healthy weight. Exercise also improves overall well-being and can help maintain a healthy weight.

Make sure to get in a minimum of 7 hours of sleep at night. Insufficient sleep promotes inflammation.

Allow yourself a daily relaxation period to help you better manage everyday stressors (including joint pain). Try breathing exercises, visualization, meditation music, or whatever else strikes your fancy. Making changes to one’s overall lifestyle hygiene and diet can take time and a little getting used to. An adjustment period is thus to be expected, so don’t put additional stress on yourself. Take the time you need to gradually get used to your new wellness program.

ViaZen Health Tips

10 ViaZen INFLAMMATION Health Tips
To integrate daily!

  1. Have your meals in a calm environment, conducive to an efficient digestion.
  2. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water daily
  3. Plan three weekly meals featuring fatty fish.
  4. Avoid common food allergens: wheat, oats, soy, dairy products from cow’s milk, strawberries, peanuts.
  5. Consume alkalizing fruits and vegetables with ALL meals and snacks.
  6. Avoid all sweets
  7. Make sure to get in at least 7 hours of sleep each night.
  8. Get in 30 minutes of physical activity daily.
  9. Allow yourself a 15-minute daily relaxation period.
  10. Take one ViaZen Inflammation capsule with each meal.