Wellness Program ViaZen Menopause

  • Dietary Recommendations
  • Lifestyle hygiene
  • ViaZen Health Tips
Dietary Recommendations


Make sure to eat your meals at set times and even more importantly, never skip meals. Eating regularly helps reduce physiological stress and tempers menopausal symptoms.

Be sure to include a source of protein in all your meals to avoid being constantly hungry. In addition, vary your protein sources to include the following:

  • Fish
  • Poultry
  • Eggs
  • Dairy products from cow, goat or sheep’s milk (yogurt, kefir, labneh, low fat cheeses (that have not been chemically treated)
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Soy-based foods (tofu, tempeh, miso, soy beverage)
  • Legumes (chickpeas and lentils are excellent sources of protein and are also loaded with isoflavones (phytoestrogens).

Phytoestrogens derived from soy: epidemiological studies have shown that Asian women who adhere to a soy-based diet – a diet that is therefore rich in isoflavones – suffer far less hot flashes than do American women.

Sprinkle a tablespoon of ground flax seeds on your yogurt, salad or cereal. In addition to being a good source of phytoestrogens, flax seeds contain water-soluble fibers, which help relieve constipation. They also provide an ample supply of essential fatty acids (omega-3 fatty acids) to support cardiovascular health and nourish the nervous system.

The diet should include ample quantities of WHOLE fruits and FRESH vegetables – these should make up the largest part of your plate. Fruits and vegetables provide copious vitamins and minerals, as well as a wide range of phytonutrients. The minerals help replenish electrolytes lost as a result of hot flashes and night sweats. In addition, since fruits and vegetable are low in calories, they make you feel full and help you maintain a healthy weight. Try to consume 2 to 3 servings of fruits and 8 to 10 servings (1 serving = cup) of vegetables daily.


Coffee intake should be limited to 1 cup daily, or even eliminated for certain women because caffeine can cause hot flashes. Coffee should only be consumed in the morning to fully benefit from its stimulating effects. Having your coffee in the evening is likely to cause sleep disturbances and may also aggravate night sweats. We suggest replacing your morning coffee with a cup of green tea, prepared with warm rather than boiling water. As a bonus, green tea provides an ample supply of antioxidants.

Alcohol intake can cause hot flashes. It’s important to understand that alcohol is processed by the liver, an organ that is also responsible for metabolizing estrogen. Limiting your alcohol intake will thus help alleviate the burden on your liver. An occasional glass of red wine is fine however, accompanied by a complete meal. Taken with food, alcohol is absorbed more slowly, which will help mitigate any potential adverse effects.

Avoid overloading your digestive tract by eating in the evening. In addition to promoting weight gain and potentially causing GI upset, eating late in the day can aggravate night sweats and result in morning fatigue.

Any foods with a high sugar content can trigger hot flashes, as well as promote weight gain. Pastries, cookies, sweets, chocolate, soft drinks, as well as fruit juices should be avoided.

Avoid hot spices: hot peppers (chilli or jalapeño), pepper and curry. These promote hot flashes. Season with herbs instead!

Lifestyle hygiene

Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink! During menopause, hot flashes and night sweats cause fluid loss that will need to be replenished upon rising. Your daily water intake should be 1.5 to 2 liters per day. You should start drinking water first thing in the morning to compensate for water loss during the night via breathing, sweating (night sweats) and urine formation. Water consumption should be continued throughout the morning and afternoon. The target for each of these periods is 500 to 750 ml. Finally, before going to bed, make a habit of having another 250 ml of water. Never leave the house without your water bottle. This way, it will be easier to meet your daily hydration needs. You can also choose to liven things up by adding a slice of orange or a lemon wedge to your water, or even some fresh mint leaves!

Healthy mind – Healthy body. Make physical activity a priority! By including 3 hour-long sessions or 6 half-hour sessions of aerobic activity into your weekly schedule, you will reduce menopausal symptoms, as well as reap a multitude of additional health benefits: improved cardiac capacity, enhanced peripheral circulation, better brain oxygenation, osteoporosis prevention, better sleep, reduced anxiety and nervousness, clear complexion and better weight management. Brisk walking, jogging, stationary cycling, rollerblading and cross-country skiing are all excellent aerobic activities you can take part in.

Hormonal shifts during menopause often cause sleep disturbances. Sleep can become lighter for some women, while others will suffer with periods of insomnia. To help promote better sleep it’s best to avoid watching television right before bed, but a little light reading can be very beneficial by helping to soothe, relax and induce sleep. It’s also important to make sure that the temperature in the room is cool. Indeed, it’s better to add blankets to ward off the chill, than to try and sleep in an overly warm space.

Allow yourself a daily 15-minute relaxation period. The physical and psychological symptoms of menopause will be more pronounced in times of stress, so help keep stress at bay to help improve your overall sense of well-being. You can try yoga, meditation, visualization or deep breathing.

Think practically when you’re getting dressed – select clothing that can easily be removed or swapped out whenever a hot flash comes one. Perhaps opt for a short-sleeved shirt or camisole that you can pair with a light jacket, instead of long-sleeved shirts and turtlenecks.

Beware of xenoestrogens. These chemicals are hiding everywhere in the environment, including in pesticides and plastics. Xenoestrogens have an extremely powerful estrogenic effect. Indeed, several scientific studies have confirmed their carcinogenic effect – most specifically with regards to breast cancer. Opt for organic fruits and vegetables whenever possible, and make sure you wash your fruits and veggies thoroughly before eating them. In addition, remember to store your food in glass containers instead of plastic.

ViaZen Health Tips

10 ViaZen Menopause Health Tips
To integrate daily!

  1. Make sure your meals are COMPLETE and have them at set times every day. Don’t forget to include vegetarian protein (derived from soy and/or legumes). Avoid eating in the evenings.
  2. Add 1 tablespoon of ground flax seeds to your yogurt.
  3. Consume NO MORE than one serving of alcohol daily (ideally red wine), with a meal. Enjoy thoroughly!
  4. Swap out your morning coffee for a cup of green tea with warm water.
  5. Eat 2 to 3 WHOLE fruits.
  6. Eat 8 to 10 servings of FRESH vegetables: raw, in salad, juiced, steamed, or sautéed in olive oil.
  7. Drink 6 to 8 glasses (250 ml) of water.
  8. Get in 30 minutes of physical activity.
  9. Allow yourself a 15-minute relaxation period.
  10. Take one ViaZen Menopause capsule with each meal.