- Infos
- Understanding
- References
Viazen Agitation, a powerful synergy of 4 active medicinal ingredients and 2 complementary ingredients.
The ingredients’ synergy of Viazen Agitation is the key of the effectiveness of this SUPERIOR FORMULA.
Medicinal Ingredients of Viazen Agitation
Non medicinal Ingredients of Viazen Agitation
Other non-medicinal ingredients: vegetal magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, gelatine.
Who should take Viazen Agitation ?
This product has been specially developed for anybody undergoing nervous agitation. It will soothe nervousness and agitation and support cognitive function naturally and without side effects.
Viazen Agitation’ Presentation
Oat – seed
Is soothing and calming for the nervous system and contributes to find a bigger inner calm. Gives a plenty of minerals, that are important for the nervous system’s nutrition. Allows concentration improvement and cognitive performances at arithmetic activities.
Vitamin B6
Involved in the synthesis of several neurotransmitters and potentiates so the brain’s biochemical balance. Participates in energy metabolism both in terms of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
Generates a calming, alkalizing and relaxing effect in muscles.
Participates in the harmonisation of the acid-base balance. Helps to reduce hyperactivity and impulsivity symptoms.
Its nutrient richness confirms its interest for the nervous system’s nutrition. Has antioxidant proprieties, which provides a protective effect to the nervous system. Promotes increased blood flow enhancing cellular exchanges.
Taurine |
Participates to the nervous system’s development. Is a constituent and a protecting cell membranes. May act as a neurotransmitter in the brain.
Viazen Agitation is free of wheat, soya, corn, yeast, peanut, gluten, egg and dairy products. It does not contain preservatives, sweeteners, colouring agents and artificial flavours, and is exempt of GMO.
Presentation: 60 capsules
Recommanded use
The dosage is 1 capsule per day for 4 to 12 years old children, 2 capsules per day for 13 to 18 years old teenagers and 2 to 4 capsules per day for adults. Take Viazen Agitation with food, ensuring a minimum of 2 hours before or after taking other medications. Treatment should be carried out for six weeks to see the benefits of the product.
Do not use if you are allergic to fish and shellfish.
Hypersensitivity, such as allergy, has been known to occur; in which case, stop the use.
Do not use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Anticipated results
- Nervousness and agitation relieving
- Hyperactivity and impulsivity reduction
- Concentration improvement
- Nervous system nutrition improvement
- Better mental clarity
- Reduction of anxiety
- Cognitive performances improvement
- Better stress adaptation capacity
- Self-esteem improvement
Taking Viazen Agitation is part of a global health approach, which included dietary and life style recommendations. ViaZen has developed a health program to assist you in your turn, by integrating actions that support the nervous system and by eliminating elements that disturb the mental functions’ balance.
The disorders associated with attention deficit and nervous agitation affect spheres of family, school, work and social life. It is important to put everything in place to support the child, the teenager or the adult affected by this condition. This will avoid serious consequences to bear throughout life, including a week self-esteem, depression, school dropout and difficulty to socializing.
To integrate daily the actions needed for better mental health, is investing on its quality of life.
Understanding nervous agitation
What is nervous agitation?
Nervous agitation is often associated with attention disorders. People that are affected by this condition often have a limited capacity to concentrate and be attentive. They experience difficulty to carry out the least bit complex tasks and to achieve intellectual work steadily. They must move regularly and they have trouble staying in place for too long, waiting for their turn and they frequently act impulsively.
Since a couple of years, our society has faced a massive growth of attention disorder diagnostics, hyperactivity, impulsivity, concentration and elocution troubles. In Quebec, we report that 800 000 children and adults have a learning disorder1, which means that one person out of ten faces this reality.
Clinical symptoms of nervous agitation:
- Absent mindedness
- Agitation
- Attention disorder
- Concentration disorders
- Depression
- Difficult multitask activities
- Difficulty to get organized
- Exhaustion
- Hyperactivity
- Impulsiveness
- Irritability
- Learning difficulty
- Memory problems
- Nervousness
- Readjustment (stroke and brain injury)
- Slurred speech
What happens exactly?
The brain areas responsible for attention, sense of organization and movement control are activated abnormally in children and adults affected by nervous agitation and attention disorders. Moreover, an imbalance seems to appear in the levels of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, including serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline.
Moreover, it seems that children with attention deficit disorder have a poorer ability to respond to daily stress (modification of physiologic factors and of the immediate environment), which is validated by lower cortisol levels, to those not affected by this trouble.
Causes of nervous agitation and attention disorder
There is no single cause for this condition. This is a disorder of neurological origin, related to abnormal development and brain function.
Some hereditary factors contribute to its apparition. Most people with attention disorder have at least one family member who also suffers. Several genes have been identified, but the genetic factors do not alone explain the disease.
Epigenetics, which is the biology discipline that studies molecular mechanisms modulating the expression of the gene pool depending on the environment, provides a great understanding of track. The environment to which is exposed the fetus, the child, the teenager and the adult will have a direct impact on the nervous system of the genetically predisposed individuals.
We have already identified that the exposition to certain toxic substances (alcohol, tobacco, heavy metals, pesticides, drugs, etc.) contributes to increase the incidence of attention disorders.
We should also mention that a head trauma, a brain infection (bacterial meningitis), a lack of oxygen at birth might increase the risk of attention problems. It also has been proved that those born prematurely are more prone to learning disabilities.
- www.institutta.com
- Dimpfel W et al. Ingested oat herb extract (Avena sativa) changes EEG spectral frequencies in healthy subjects. J Altern Complement Med. 2011 May;17(5):427-34.
- Bilici M et al. Double-blind, placebo-controlled study of zinc sulfate in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2004 Jan;28(1):181-90.
- Gagnon R. La Nutrithérapie. Collection Douce Alternative, Amyris. 2008.
- Hermandez-Benitez R et al. Taurine enhances the growth of neural precursors derived from fetal human brain and promotes neuronal specification. Dev Neurosci. 2013 ;35(1) :40-9.
- fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognition
- fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasticité_neuronale
- Monographies PSN Santé Canada
- Oia SS, Saransaari P. Pharmacology of taurine. Proc West Pharmacol soc 2007 ;50 :8-15
- www.aqnp.ca/
- www.associationpanda.qc.ca/
- www.naturalmedicines.therapeuticresearch.com
- www.nutranews.org
- www.passeportsante.net
- www.psychcentral.com/lib/brains-of-children-with-adhd-show-protein-deficiency/00013653
- Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 2011 :7 :31-38
- Isaksson, J. 2014. ADHD and stress. Diurnal cortisol levels, early psychosocial adversity and perceived stress. Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations? from the Faculty of Medicine 957. 59 pp. Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis
- R. Gagnon. Power Point Conférence : Alimentation et Performances Scolaires. Janvier 2007.